Publisher: Columbia University Press
Publication Year: 2008
Is it true that film in the twentieth century experimented with vision more than any other art form? And what visions did it privilege? In this brilliant book, acclaimed film scholar Francesco Casetti situates the cinematic experience within discourses of twentieth-century modernity. He suggests that film defined a unique gaze, not only because it recorded many of the century’s most important events, but also because it determined the manner in which they were received.
Publisher: University of Toronto Press
Publication Year: 2007
While the first five decades of the postwar Italian cinematic production furnished relatively little on the subject of the Shoah, recent years have witnessed a surge of Holocaust related films. This study explores the factors behind this development, and provides analyses of works devoted to Fascist anti-Semitism, and the Final Solution for Italy’s Jewish population.
Publisher: Indiana University Press
Publication Year: 2001
Edited by Pearl Bowser, Jane Gaines, and Charles Musser
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell
Publication Year: 2010
What Cinema Is! offers an engaging answer to Andre Bazin’s famous question through a sweeping look back over the phenomenal ascendancy of a certain “idea of cinema.” Written by one of the foremost film scholars of our time, this provocative volume proclaims cinema’s distinct value not just for the last century but for our current audio-visual culture. Whatever cinema may yet become, this unique “idea” should orient and guide it.