Requirements for the Combined PhD in Italian and Film and Media Studies
Program of courses
Sixteen term-courses will be the norm, taken over a two-year period. In some cases a candidate may be allowed to take up to two courses in the third year.
A. Requirements in Film and Media Studies: Six courses
- Films and Their Study (offered every other Fall term)
- Four additional seminars in Film Studies, including crosslists
B. Requirements in Italian: Eight courses
C. Two courses may be taken outside both units with approval
D. Transfer courses: Students may gain up to two course credits for prior graduate work in Italian with the approval of the DGS of Italian.
A. Fluency in English and Italian upon admission
B. Reading knowledge of one additional European language (usually French) by the time of the 5th semester in residence. This is certified by:
- Passing the Reading-for-Research exam
- Passing a course at Yale given in the pertinent language
By the end of the sixth semester
A. A written examination in Italian covering all periods.
B. A Two-hour oral examination: The candidate will meet with the DGS of both units in the third semester to agree on the four topics to be covered in the oral, half of which focus on Italian literature and culture, the other half of which must be intensive areas within Film Studies.
The Dissertation
It is presumed that the dissertation will give evidence of methods and materials important to both disciplines.
A. A prospectus meeting must take place no later than the 7th semester in residence. At least one member from the Film and Media Studies and one member from Italian must be present at this prospectus meeting. The full graduate faculty of both units independently ratifies the final prospectus.
B. A 60-90 minute “Defense of Method” takes place in the semester preceding final deposit. Two weeks before this event, the candidate sends 80% of the work to the three prospective readers and the DGS of one or both units. A presentation and discussion of goals and methods is followed by questions and advice to help the candidate bring the work to successful conclusion in the next few months.