Sergio De Iudicibus

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Graduate School Student

Sergio De Iudicibus is a Ph.D student in the combined program of Italian Studies and Film & Media Studies, having earned an A.B. from Princeton University and an M.A. from USC. His current interests lie in understanding the philosophical implications of media practices that espouse “realism” while dubbing voices, especially in Italian cinema; he is also interested in understanding “switching” beyond the bounds of media objects into such practices as tango and translation. In his work, Sergio appreciates transhistorical methodologies, sound studies, German media theory, critical theory, and intellectual history. Fluent in four languages, he has published translations in the Journal of Italian Cinema & Media Studies as well as book reviews for Resonance: The Journal of Sound and Culture. Sergio spends his summers in Siena where he serves as a pianist and Program Coordinator for the Accademia Musicale Chigiana.

You may find his other work on his website: