Nathaniel LaCelle-Peterson

Nathaniel LaCelle-Peterson's picture
Graduate School Student
1st Year Graduate Student Film and Media Studies/Comparative Literature


Nathaniel LaCelle-Peterson is a PhD student in Comparative Literature and Film & Media Studies at Yale University. His research is broadly concerned with the conceptual history of nature and value in extractive and aesthetic practices, with special interest in the history mining, the history of the novel, and the conceptual problems that bridge critical theory and media studies. Previously, he studied English literature and media at Cornell University (BA) and the Freie Universität (MA) and was the managing editor of Anthropogenic Markers: Stratigraphy and Context (Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, 2022). 


Research Interests

Critical theory, media studies and poetics, critical extraction studies, history of science, 20th-century cultural-environmental history, marxisms, 19th- and 20th-century intellectual history, media aesthetics, translation, genre theory, documentary forms.

Working Languages

English, German, Spanish

Education History

Freie Universität Berlin (MA)
Cornell University (BA, summa cum laude)