Millicent Marcus

Millicent Marcus's picture
Sarai Ribicoff Professor of Italian Studies
320 York, Rm 524, New Haven, CT 06520
(203) 432-0599
Curriculum Vitae: 


Millicent Marcus is Professor of Italian and Film studies at Yale University.  Her specializations include medieval literature, Italian cinema, interrelationships between literature and film, and representations of the Holocaust in post-war Italian culture.  Within the field of cinema studies, she is the author of Italian Film in the Light of Neorealism (l986), Filmmaking by the Book: Italian Cinema and Literary Adaptation (l993) and After Fellini: National Cinema in the Postmodern Age (2002), and Italian Film in the Shadow of Auschwitz (2007). She has also published numerous articles on Italian film, and is currently studying contemporary Italian cinema within the theoretical framework of “post-realism.”


While the first five decades of the postwar Italian cinematic production furnished relatively little on the subject of the Shoah, recent years have witnessed a surge of Holocaust related films. This study explores the factors behind this development, and provides analyses of works devoted to Fascist anti-Semitism, and the Final Solution for Italy’s Jewish population.