Lessons in Drag with LaWhore Vagistan

Event time: 
Monday, April 3, 2023 - 4:30pm
Event description: 
April 3, 4:30 pm
53 Wall St. Auditorium
Dr. Vagistan, your favorite South Asian drag aunty, brings the nightclub to the classroom (and vice versa) to explain how critical social theory matters in queer nightlife. Touching on themes that include globalization, feminist theory, and Islamophobia, she stages the nightclub as a site of politics and pleasure, where drag teaches us—even requires us—to be in relation with the rest of the world.
LaWhore Vagistan is everyone’s favorite overdressed, overeducated, oversaturated desi drag aunty. She has performed at festivals around the world. You can find her
on YouTube delivering a TEDx talk titled “How to Be an Aunty” and serving looks on Instagram at @lawhorevagistan. In another life, she is an Associate Professor of Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies at Tufts University. 
This event is co-sponsored by the Whitney Humanities Center and the Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Department.