Marie Rebecchi
Marie Rebecchi is Associate Professor in Aesthetics and History of Cinema at the Aix-Marseille Université and member of LESA. She was postdoctoral researcher at EHESS (Paris) and she taught at Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3. Her publications include: Sergei Eisenstein. The Anthropology of Rhythm (Nomas, 2017 with E. Vogman), Paris 1929. Eisenstein, Bataille, Buñuel (Mimésis, 2018), Puissance du végétal. La vie révélée par la technique (Les presses du réel, 2020, with Teresa Castro and Perig Pitrou). With Antonio Somaini and Éline Grignard she organized the exhibition Time Machine. Cinematic Temporalities (Parma, 2020) and co-directed the publication (Skira, 2020). In 2021, she organized the event Le vivant révélé pas la technique at the Centre Pompidou in Paris (Festival “Hors Pistes”). She has been visiting fellow at the University of Lausanne (2020-21) and she will be visiting fellow at Yale University (fall 2023). She is working on the project The Kaleidoscopic Image. An Alternative Archaeology of Optical Modernity.