Please join us this Thursday for our first Rough Cut talk of the semester. Qui-Ha Nguyen, Postdoctoral Associate at the MacMillan Center for Southeast Asian Studies, will be giving a talk entitled, “Women in Vietnamese Revolutionary Cinema (1945 – 1975): Representation, Affect and Agency”.
The event is this Thursday, Feb 2 at 5:30 pm at HQ 401. We look forward to seeing you there
Qui-Ha Hoang Nguyen is a Postdoctoral Associate at Yale University, MacMillan Center for Southeast Asian Studies. She received her M.A and Ph.D. in Cinema and Media Studies from the University of Southern California and B.A. from Vietnam National University, Hanoi. Her research interests include gender and feminist studies, postcolonialism, transnational film/media industry, and environmental humanities. Her research has been published in books and journals such as Feminist Media Histories, Film Stardom in Southeast Asia, Southeast Asia on Screen, Southeast of Now.