Combined PhD in Film and Media Studies/Slavic Languages and Literatures

Program of courses

Sixteen term-courses will be the norm, taken over a two-year period.  In some cases a candidate may be allowed to take up to two courses in the third year of study while preparing for the oral examination.

A.  Requirements in Film and Media Studies: at least six courses

  1. Films and Their Study (offered every other Fall term)
  2. Four additional seminars in Film Studies, including crosslists

B.  Requirements in Slavic: at least six courses

C.  Transfer courses: Students may gain up to two course credits for prior graduate work if approved by the DGSs.


A.  Fluency in English upon admission

B.  Fluency in Russian upon admission

C.  Reading knowledge of one additional European language by the 5th semester, established by a translation exam or “reading for research” course offered through the pertinent department.

Qualifying Examinations

A.  Two written examination in Russian poetry or prose, one in 19thc and one in 20thc.

B.  A two hour oral examination covering four topics, two in Russian and Soviet literature and culture, and two in Film and Media Studies

The Dissertation

It is presumed that the dissertation will give evidence of methods and materials important to both disciplines. 

  1. A pre-prospectus oral discussion with two faculty members chosen by the students occurs soon after the qualifying examination, and generally before Spring break of the third year.  Once these advisors and the student agree on the topic and the contour of the dissertation, a written prospectus of 20-25 pages is presented at a colloquium held by the end of the 6th semester in residence.  At least one member from the graduate faculty of Film and Media Studies and one from Slavic Languages and Literature must be present at the colloquium.  The finalized version of the prospectus is accepted by the advisor and the DGS of Slavic; the entire faculty of Film and Media Studies ratifies the final version of the prospectus.
  2. A one-hour first chapter colloquium is held during year four and attended by the Slavic faculty and graduate students along with any pertinent FMS faculty.
  3. A “Defense of Method” is held in the semester preceding final deposit.  See the “Defense of Method” section on the page “Applying to and Going Through the FMS Program.”